Headaches, jaw pain and migraines

Do you suffer from headaches, jaw pain or migraines?

Do you know physiotherapists are trained in identifying the source of your headache and treating to relieve pain and symptoms.

 Our physiotherapist, Melanie Bray, has done further study with Australian headache specialist Dean Watson to become highly skilled in the therapeutic management of headaches, jaw pain and migraines.

Physiotherapy involves gentle manual therapy and release techniques for your head and neck to relieve tension and alleviate pain. Improvements can be expected in 4-5 treatments sessions, even in the case of long standing (20+ years) of pain.

Our treatments are all done in the comfort of your own home our  physiotherapists bringing a portable bed and all equipment. So you can relax whilst we come to you for a full assessment and treatment of your pain.

Appointments are limited so call now to secure your booking 0477 934 546
