Post-surgical rehabilitation

Did you know those first few weeks post surgery are crucial to your recovery? This is also the time when you are often not allowed to drive. Stop relying on family, friends and taxis to get you to a clinic - Future Physio can come to you!

Professional physiotherapy delivered in the comfort of your own home. Our physiotherapists travel with all the equipment required to do a full assessment and treatment for all types of post-surgical rehabilitation, including hip and knee replacements.

Physiotherapy advice and treatment progression in the first few weeks post total hip and knee replacement surgery will set you up for an excellent recovery. We can give pain advice, check for complications, improve range of motion and progress strength exercises.

Call now to book your post-surgical physiotherapy visit. 0477 934 546

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Meet the team...

Charlotte is the newest member of the Future Physio team. She is an aspiring young physiotherapist. After completing a degree in Exercise and Sports Science, she developed a keen interest in the rehabilitation of sporting injuries she went on to complete a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at Curtin University.

She has a passion for health and fitness, is a dancer and was gymnast and coach for many years. She has worked with both amateur level and WAFL level football clubs, and currently works as a trainer for Perth Football Club. She enjoys helping athletes return to their sport, injury free and at their best.

After completing a geriatric placement through university, Charlotte developed a keen interest for working with the elderly. She always aims to get clients to being fitter and stronger than they were previously and takes pride in helping others to reach their goals.

If you wish to return to peak physical condition call 0477 934 546 today to book an appointment with Charlotte.

Falls prevention

As we age falls prevention is crucial in staying healthy in our later years. At least one in four older people have a fall each year and around 10% of all falls result in serious injury requiring hospitalisation. Injuries sustained can include bruising, lacerations, fractures and head injuries.

Falls can be caused by a number of factors including; loss of balance, dizziness, poor eyesight, poor footwear or trip hazards. Poor hydration, alcohol consumption or taking more than five medications can also contribute to falling.

Physiotherapists can tailor exercise programs specifically for each client to improve their leg strength, mobility and balance. Regular exercise is a great way to help prevent falls at home and in the community. Get started today to maintain your independence at home by calling 0477 934 546


Physiotherapy during pregnancy

Your first pregnancy and the early months after delivering your first child can be an exciting time. What most first time Mums don't expect is the aches and pains that go along with it!

During pregnancy the hormone relaxin is released into the body causing a softening of the ligaments. This is essential to allow for the baby to pass through the birth canal. Unfortunately a the side effects can be back pain, sacroiliac painor pubic symphysis pain.

Physiotherapists can help you correctly diagnose the source of your pain, treat the underlying structures causing the pain and develop strategies to prevent recurrence during the remaining weeks before birth.

Physiotherapists are also highly skilled in educating you regarding the activation of pelvic floor muscles and developing exercise programs to ensure the pelvic floor stays strong during and after pregnancy.

Let us take away your pain so you can enjoy the special months leading up to your latest arrival.

Call for an appointment now on 0477 934 546


Merry Christmas

Wishing you a happy and healthy Christmas from our Future Physio family to yours.

We are still seeing clients through the Christmas New Year period so feel free to give us a call for all those backyard cricket injuries.... Ph 0477 934 546


Photo by RomoloTavani/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by RomoloTavani/iStock / Getty Images

Meet the team...

Welcome to the first Future Physio blog post and what a better way to start than meeting the team...


Sarah started Future Physio in 2010 after returning from 8 years working in the UK. She was passionate about bringing high quality care to the community. As Future Physio has grown so has Sarah's family. She is married to Stuart and has two children.

Karen joined Future Physio in 2015 and is much loved by our clients. She is bright and bubbly and brings this enthusiasm to all her sessions. She is Mum to a little girl with another one on the way. She has just started maternity leave and we hope to hear news of the new arrival soon...

Erin is the newest member of our team. She has qualifications in clinical pilates and you can catch her running outdoor classes by the river on weekends. More info can be found at

You can book a private one on one pilates session with Erin by calling now 0477 934 546

Photo by Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media / Getty Images
Photo by Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media / Getty Images

We look forward to bringing you high quality home visit physiotherapy soon.