Meet the team...

Anderson is a Curtin University graduate and joined the Future Physio team in 2019. Having extensive experience in both community and outpatient settings, Anderson has cultivated a deep understanding of geriatrics, orthopaedics, cardiorespiratory and has a keen interest in neurological rehabilitation.

Through his volunteering experience in underdeveloped countries, six years experience as a youth group leader and being a personal mentor to high school students, Anderson has developed a genuine passion for people of all ages and cultural backgrounds. Anderson aims to combine education, exercise prescription and enjoyment to exceed client goals and bring meaningful change into their lives.

In his spare time, you will find Anderson playing basketball, writing songs on his guitar or traveling the world.

Anderson is multilingual, speaking English, Mandarin and German.

Call to book your appointment today 0477 934 546

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Meet the team...

Charlotte is the newest member of the Future Physio team. She is an aspiring young physiotherapist. After completing a degree in Exercise and Sports Science, she developed a keen interest in the rehabilitation of sporting injuries she went on to complete a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at Curtin University.

She has a passion for health and fitness, is a dancer and was gymnast and coach for many years. She has worked with both amateur level and WAFL level football clubs, and currently works as a trainer for Perth Football Club. She enjoys helping athletes return to their sport, injury free and at their best.

After completing a geriatric placement through university, Charlotte developed a keen interest for working with the elderly. She always aims to get clients to being fitter and stronger than they were previously and takes pride in helping others to reach their goals.

If you wish to return to peak physical condition call 0477 934 546 today to book an appointment with Charlotte.

Falls prevention

As we age falls prevention is crucial in staying healthy in our later years. At least one in four older people have a fall each year and around 10% of all falls result in serious injury requiring hospitalisation. Injuries sustained can include bruising, lacerations, fractures and head injuries.

Falls can be caused by a number of factors including; loss of balance, dizziness, poor eyesight, poor footwear or trip hazards. Poor hydration, alcohol consumption or taking more than five medications can also contribute to falling.

Physiotherapists can tailor exercise programs specifically for each client to improve their leg strength, mobility and balance. Regular exercise is a great way to help prevent falls at home and in the community. Get started today to maintain your independence at home by calling 0477 934 546
